APPPATH/netyo/views/album.php [ 18 ]
13 <?php
14 if( count($album->photos) > 0 )
15 {
16 foreach($album->photos as $photo)
17 {
18 echo '<li>' . HTML::image(Kohana::Config('gallery.path') . "/normal/" . $album->gallery->id . '/' . $album->id . '/' . $photo->photo,
19 array('alt' => $photo->name)) . '</li>';
20 }
21 }
22 ?>
23 </ul>
APPPATH/netyo/views/album.php [ 18 ] » Kohana_Core::error_handler(arguments)
integer 8
string(36) "Trying to get property of non-object"
string(71) "/home/users/veno/public_html/"
integer 18
array(5) ( "kohana_view_filename" => string(71) "/home/users/veno/public_html/" "kohana_view_data" => array(2) ( "album" => object Model_Veno_Gallery_Album(13)
{ protected _unique => bool FALSE protected _table => string(26) "veno_element_gallery_album" protected _model => string(18) "veno_gallery_album" protected _db => string(7) "default" protected _fields => array(10) ( "id" => object Sprig_Field_Auto(17)
"page" => string(29) "realizacje/sklepy-internetowe" ) "album" => object Model_Veno_Gallery_Album(13){ public primary => bool TRUE public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public unique => bool FALSE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(2) "id" public label => string(2) "id" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"position" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(8) "position" public label => string(8) "position" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"name" => object Sprig_Field_Char(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "name" public label => string(4) "name" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"gallery" => object Sprig_Field_BelongsTo(19){ public in_db => bool TRUE public null => bool TRUE public model => string(12) "veno_gallery" public foreign_field => NULL public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(15) "veno_gallery_id" public label => string(7) "gallery" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"desc" => object Sprig_Field_Text(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => NULL public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "desc" public label => string(4) "desc" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool TRUE public auto_now_update => bool FALSE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_date" public label => string(12) "created date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_user" public label => string(12) "created user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool FALSE public auto_now_update => bool TRUE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_date" public label => string(13) "modified date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_user" public label => string(13) "modified user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"photos" => object Sprig_Field_HasMany(19){ public empty => bool TRUE public default => array(0) public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public in_db => bool FALSE public model => string(18) "veno_gallery_photo" public foreign_field => string(5) "album" public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public choices => NULL public column => string(21) "veno_gallery_album_id" public label => string(6) "photos" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _title_key => string(4) "name" protected _sorting => NULL protected _init => bool TRUE protected _state => string(3) "new" protected _original => array(10) ( "id" => NULL "position" => NULL "name" => string(0) "" "gallery" => NULL "desc" => NULL "created_date" => NULL "created_user" => NULL "modified_date" => NULL "modified_user" => NULL "photos" => array(1) ( 16 => integer 16 ) ) protected _changed => array(1) ( "id" => integer 10 ) protected _related => array(2) ( "photos" => object Database_MySQL_Result(6){ protected _internal_row => integer 1 protected _query => string(543) "SELECT `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`id`, `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`position`, `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`name`, `veno_el …" protected _result => resource(mysql result) protected _total_rows => integer 1 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(24) "Model_Veno_Gallery_Photo" }
"gallery" => NULL ) }{ protected _unique => bool FALSE protected _table => string(26) "veno_element_gallery_album" protected _model => string(18) "veno_gallery_album" protected _db => string(7) "default" protected _fields => array(10) ( "id" => object Sprig_Field_Auto(17)
"page" => string(29) "realizacje/sklepy-internetowe" "photo" => object Model_Veno_Gallery_Photo(13){ public primary => bool TRUE public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public unique => bool FALSE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(2) "id" public label => string(2) "id" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"position" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(8) "position" public label => string(8) "position" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( "not_empty" => NULL ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"name" => object Sprig_Field_Char(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "name" public label => string(4) "name" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( "not_empty" => NULL ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"gallery" => object Sprig_Field_BelongsTo(19){ public in_db => bool TRUE public null => bool TRUE public model => string(12) "veno_gallery" public foreign_field => NULL public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(15) "veno_gallery_id" public label => string(7) "gallery" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"desc" => object Sprig_Field_Text(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => NULL public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "desc" public label => string(4) "desc" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool TRUE public auto_now_update => bool FALSE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_date" public label => string(12) "created date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( "not_empty" => NULL ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_user" public label => string(12) "created user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( "not_empty" => NULL ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool FALSE public auto_now_update => bool TRUE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_date" public label => string(13) "modified date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_user" public label => string(13) "modified user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"photos" => object Sprig_Field_HasMany(19){ public empty => bool TRUE public default => array(0) public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public in_db => bool FALSE public model => string(18) "veno_gallery_photo" public foreign_field => string(5) "album" public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public choices => NULL public column => string(21) "veno_gallery_album_id" public label => string(6) "photos" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _title_key => string(4) "name" protected _sorting => NULL protected _init => bool TRUE protected _state => string(3) "new" protected _original => array(10) ( "id" => NULL "position" => NULL "name" => string(0) "" "gallery" => NULL "desc" => NULL "created_date" => NULL "created_user" => NULL "modified_date" => NULL "modified_user" => NULL "photos" => array(1) ( 16 => integer 16 ) ) protected _changed => array(1) ( "id" => integer 10 ) protected _related => array(2) ( "photos" => object Database_MySQL_Result(6){ protected _internal_row => integer 1 protected _query => string(543) "SELECT `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`id`, `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`position`, `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`name`, `veno_el …" protected _result => resource(mysql result) protected _total_rows => integer 1 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(24) "Model_Veno_Gallery_Photo" }
"gallery" => NULL ) }{ protected _unique => bool FALSE protected _table => string(26) "veno_element_gallery_photo" public _sorting => array(2) ( "position" => string(3) "ASC" "id" => string(3) "ASC" ) protected _model => string(18) "veno_gallery_photo" protected _db => string(7) "default" protected _fields => array(10) ( "id" => object Sprig_Field_Auto(17)
){ public primary => bool TRUE public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public unique => bool FALSE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(2) "id" public label => string(2) "id" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"position" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => integer 1 public choices => NULL public column => string(8) "position" public label => string(8) "position" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"name" => object Sprig_Field_Char(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => NULL public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "name" public label => string(4) "name" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"album" => object Sprig_Field_BelongsTo(19){ public in_db => bool TRUE public null => bool TRUE public model => string(18) "veno_gallery_album" public foreign_field => NULL public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(21) "veno_gallery_album_id" public label => string(5) "album" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"photo" => object Sprig_Field_Image(21){ public width => string(3) "560" public height => string(3) "360" public directory => string(14) "media/gallery/" public resize => integer 4 public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(5) "photo" public label => string(5) "photo" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"main" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => NULL public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "main" public label => string(4) "main" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool TRUE public auto_now_update => bool FALSE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_date" public label => string(12) "created date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( "not_empty" => NULL ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_user" public label => string(12) "created user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( "not_empty" => NULL ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool FALSE public auto_now_update => bool TRUE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_date" public label => string(13) "modified date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_user" public label => string(13) "modified user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _title_key => string(4) "name" protected _init => bool TRUE protected _state => string(6) "loaded" protected _original => array(10) ( "id" => integer 16 "position" => NULL "name" => NULL "album" => string(2) "10" "photo" => string(6) "16.jpg" "main" => integer 1 "created_date" => integer 1382813304 "created_user" => integer 1 "modified_date" => integer 1382813304 "modified_user" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _related => array(0) }13 <?php 14 if( count($album->photos) > 0 ) 15 { 16 foreach($album->photos as $photo) 17 { 18 echo '<li>' . HTML::image(Kohana::Config('gallery.path') . "/normal/" . $album->gallery->id . '/' . $album->id . '/' . $photo->photo, 19 array('alt' => $photo->name)) . '</li>'; 20 } 21 } 22 ?> 23 </ul>
SYSPATH/classes/kohana/view.php [ 49 ] » include(arguments)
string(71) "/home/users/veno/public_html/"
44 ob_start(); 45 46 try 47 { 48 // Load the view within the current scope 49 include $kohana_view_filename; 50 } 51 catch (Exception $e) 52 { 53 // Delete the output buffer 54 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/kohana/view.php [ 303 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(71) "/home/users/veno/public_html/"
array(2) ( "album" => object Model_Veno_Gallery_Album(13)
{ protected _unique => bool FALSE protected _table => string(26) "veno_element_gallery_album" protected _model => string(18) "veno_gallery_album" protected _db => string(7) "default" protected _fields => array(10) ( "id" => object Sprig_Field_Auto(17)
"page" => string(29) "realizacje/sklepy-internetowe" ){ public primary => bool TRUE public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public unique => bool FALSE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(2) "id" public label => string(2) "id" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"position" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(8) "position" public label => string(8) "position" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( "not_empty" => NULL ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"name" => object Sprig_Field_Char(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "name" public label => string(4) "name" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( "not_empty" => NULL ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"gallery" => object Sprig_Field_BelongsTo(19){ public in_db => bool TRUE public null => bool TRUE public model => string(12) "veno_gallery" public foreign_field => NULL public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(15) "veno_gallery_id" public label => string(7) "gallery" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"desc" => object Sprig_Field_Text(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => NULL public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "desc" public label => string(4) "desc" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool TRUE public auto_now_update => bool FALSE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_date" public label => string(12) "created date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( "not_empty" => NULL ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_user" public label => string(12) "created user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( "not_empty" => NULL ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool FALSE public auto_now_update => bool TRUE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_date" public label => string(13) "modified date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_user" public label => string(13) "modified user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"photos" => object Sprig_Field_HasMany(19){ public empty => bool TRUE public default => array(0) public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public in_db => bool FALSE public model => string(18) "veno_gallery_photo" public foreign_field => string(5) "album" public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public choices => NULL public column => string(21) "veno_gallery_album_id" public label => string(6) "photos" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _title_key => string(4) "name" protected _sorting => NULL protected _init => bool TRUE protected _state => string(3) "new" protected _original => array(10) ( "id" => NULL "position" => NULL "name" => string(0) "" "gallery" => NULL "desc" => NULL "created_date" => NULL "created_user" => NULL "modified_date" => NULL "modified_user" => NULL "photos" => array(1) ( 16 => integer 16 ) ) protected _changed => array(1) ( "id" => integer 10 ) protected _related => array(2) ( "photos" => object Database_MySQL_Result(6){ protected _internal_row => integer 1 protected _query => string(543) "SELECT `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`id`, `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`position`, `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`name`, `veno_el …" protected _result => resource(mysql result) protected _total_rows => integer 1 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(24) "Model_Veno_Gallery_Photo" }
"gallery" => NULL ) }298 { 299 throw new Kohana_View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering'); 300 } 301 302 // Combine local and global data and capture the output 303 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data + View::$_global_data); 304 } 305 306 } // End View
SYSPATH/classes/kohana/view.php [ 193 ] » Kohana_View->render()
188 */ 189 public function __toString() 190 { 191 try 192 { 193 return $this->render(); 194 } 195 catch (Exception $e) 196 { 197 // Display the exception message 198 Kohana::exception_handler($e);
MODPATH/veno/core/views/veno/elementarea.php [ 18 ] » Kohana_View->__toString()
13 14 //$content = preg_replace("^src=\"(.*)\"^", 'src="'.Url::base().'$1"', $content); 15 16 //$content = str_replace('<img src="', '<img src="'.Url::base(), $content); 17 18 echo $content; 19 20 if (Veno::$adminmode) 21 { 22 ?> 23 <div class="veno_element_ctl">
SYSPATH/classes/kohana/view.php [ 49 ] » include(arguments)
string(82) "/home/users/veno/public_html/"
44 ob_start(); 45 46 try 47 { 48 // Load the view within the current scope 49 include $kohana_view_filename; 50 } 51 catch (Exception $e) 52 { 53 // Delete the output buffer 54 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/kohana/view.php [ 303 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(82) "/home/users/veno/public_html/"
array(3) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "name" => string(16) "Treść Główna" "content" => object View(2)
{ protected _file => string(71) "/home/users/veno/public_html/" protected _data => array(2) ( "album" => object Model_Veno_Gallery_Album(13)
){ protected _unique => bool FALSE protected _table => string(26) "veno_element_gallery_album" protected _model => string(18) "veno_gallery_album" protected _db => string(7) "default" protected _fields => array(10) ( "id" => object Sprig_Field_Auto(17)
"page" => string(29) "realizacje/sklepy-internetowe" ) }{ public primary => bool TRUE public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public unique => bool FALSE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(2) "id" public label => string(2) "id" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"position" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(8) "position" public label => string(8) "position" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"name" => object Sprig_Field_Char(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "name" public label => string(4) "name" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"gallery" => object Sprig_Field_BelongsTo(19){ public in_db => bool TRUE public null => bool TRUE public model => string(12) "veno_gallery" public foreign_field => NULL public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(15) "veno_gallery_id" public label => string(7) "gallery" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"desc" => object Sprig_Field_Text(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => NULL public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "desc" public label => string(4) "desc" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool TRUE public auto_now_update => bool FALSE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_date" public label => string(12) "created date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_user" public label => string(12) "created user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool FALSE public auto_now_update => bool TRUE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_date" public label => string(13) "modified date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_user" public label => string(13) "modified user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"photos" => object Sprig_Field_HasMany(19){ public empty => bool TRUE public default => array(0) public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public in_db => bool FALSE public model => string(18) "veno_gallery_photo" public foreign_field => string(5) "album" public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public choices => NULL public column => string(21) "veno_gallery_album_id" public label => string(6) "photos" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _title_key => string(4) "name" protected _sorting => NULL protected _init => bool TRUE protected _state => string(3) "new" protected _original => array(10) ( "id" => NULL "position" => NULL "name" => string(0) "" "gallery" => NULL "desc" => NULL "created_date" => NULL "created_user" => NULL "modified_date" => NULL "modified_user" => NULL "photos" => array(1) ( ... ) ) protected _changed => array(1) ( "id" => integer 10 ) protected _related => array(2) ( "photos" => object Database_MySQL_Result(6){ protected _internal_row => integer 1 protected _query => string(543) "SELECT `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`id`, `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`position`, `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`name`, `veno_el …" protected _result => resource(mysql result) protected _total_rows => integer 1 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(24) "Model_Veno_Gallery_Photo" }
"gallery" => NULL ) }298 { 299 throw new Kohana_View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering'); 300 } 301 302 // Combine local and global data and capture the output 303 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data + View::$_global_data); 304 } 305 306 } // End View
SYSPATH/classes/kohana/view.php [ 193 ] » Kohana_View->render()
188 */ 189 public function __toString() 190 { 191 try 192 { 193 return $this->render(); 194 } 195 catch (Exception $e) 196 { 197 // Display the exception message 198 Kohana::exception_handler($e);
APPPATH/cache/twig/__TwigTemplate_e61e016d5338ad458fd8655d1a9823e1.php [ 77 ] » Kohana_View->__toString()
72 \t\t\t<div class=\"row\"> 73 \t\t\t\t<div class=\"span12\"> 74 \t\t\t\t 75 \t\t\t\t\t"; 76 // line 25 77 echo $this->getAttribute((isset($context['Veno']) ? $context['Veno'] : null), "element_area", array("1", "Treść Główna", )); 78 echo " 79 \t\t\t\t 80 \t\t\t\t</div> 81 \t\t\t</div> 82 \t\t</div>
MODPATH/veno/core/vendor/Twig/lib/Twig/Template.php [ 26 ] » __TwigTemplate_e61e016d5338ad458fd8655d1a9823e1->display(arguments)
array(1) ( "Veno" => object Veno(0)
{ }
)21 public function render(array $context) 22 { 23 ob_start(); 24 try 25 { 26 $this->display($context); 27 } 28 catch (Exception $e) 29 { 30 ob_end_clean(); 31
MODPATH/veno/core/classes/veno/twig.php [ 39 ] » Twig_Template->render(arguments)
array(1) ( "Veno" => object Veno(0)
{ }
)34 )); 35 } 36 37 $template = self::$twig->loadTemplate($code); 38 39 $out = $template->render(array('Veno'=>new Veno)); 40 41 if (isset($benchmark)) 42 { 43 // Stop the benchmark 44 Profiler::stop($benchmark);
MODPATH/veno/core/classes/model/veno/layout.php [ 97 ] » Veno_Twig::render(arguments)
string(609) "<div class="body"> {{ Veno.element('snippet', 'header') }} <div role="main" class="main"> <section class="page-top"> <d …"
92 { 93 // Start a new benchmark 94 $benchmark = Profiler::start('Veno', 'Render Layout'); 95 } 96 97 $out = Veno_Twig::render($this->code); 98 99 if (isset($benchmark)) 100 { 101 // Stop the benchmark 102 Profiler::stop($benchmark);
MODPATH/veno/core/classes/veno/core.php [ 604 ] » Model_Veno_Layout->render()
599 600 // Set the required Veno variables, and render the page. 601 self::$page = $page; 602 self::$_content = $content; 603 604 return new View(Kohana::Config('veno.base_view'), array('layoutcode' => $layout->render())); 605 } 606 607 /** 608 * Set the HTTP status for the request 609 *
MODPATH/veno/gallery/classes/controller/gallery.php [ 58 ] » Veno_Core::override(arguments)
string(10) "Full Width"
string(29) "realizacje/sklepy-internetowe"
array(3) ( 0 => object View(2)
{ protected _file => string(71) "/home/users/veno/public_html/" protected _data => array(2) ( "album" => object Model_Veno_Gallery_Album(13)
1 => object View(2){ protected _unique => bool FALSE protected _table => string(26) "veno_element_gallery_album" protected _model => string(18) "veno_gallery_album" protected _db => string(7) "default" protected _fields => array(10) ( "id" => object Sprig_Field_Auto(17)
"page" => string(29) "realizacje/sklepy-internetowe" ) }{ public primary => bool TRUE public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public unique => bool FALSE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(2) "id" public label => string(2) "id" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"position" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(8) "position" public label => string(8) "position" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"name" => object Sprig_Field_Char(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "name" public label => string(4) "name" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"gallery" => object Sprig_Field_BelongsTo(19){ public in_db => bool TRUE public null => bool TRUE public model => string(12) "veno_gallery" public foreign_field => NULL public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(15) "veno_gallery_id" public label => string(7) "gallery" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"desc" => object Sprig_Field_Text(17){ public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => NULL public choices => NULL public column => string(4) "desc" public label => string(4) "desc" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool TRUE public auto_now_update => bool FALSE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_date" public label => string(12) "created date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"created_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool FALSE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(12) "created_user" public label => string(12) "created user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(1) ( ... ) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_date" => object Sprig_Field_Timestamp(20){ public auto_now_create => bool FALSE public auto_now_update => bool TRUE public default => NULL public format => string(11) "d.m.Y H:i:s" public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_date" public label => string(13) "modified date" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"modified_user" => object Sprig_Field_Integer(17){ public min_value => NULL public max_value => NULL public empty => bool TRUE public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public null => bool FALSE public editable => bool TRUE public default => string(0) "" public choices => NULL public column => string(13) "modified_user" public label => string(13) "modified user" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public in_db => bool TRUE public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
"photos" => object Sprig_Field_HasMany(19){ public empty => bool TRUE public default => array(0) public editable => bool FALSE public null => bool TRUE public in_db => bool FALSE public model => string(18) "veno_gallery_photo" public foreign_field => string(5) "album" public min_length => NULL public max_length => NULL public primary => bool FALSE public unique => bool FALSE public choices => NULL public column => string(21) "veno_gallery_album_id" public label => string(6) "photos" public description => string(0) "" public attributes => NULL public filters => array(0) public rules => array(0) public callbacks => array(0) }
) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _title_key => string(4) "name" protected _sorting => NULL protected _init => bool TRUE protected _state => string(3) "new" protected _original => array(10) ( "id" => NULL "position" => NULL "name" => string(0) "" "gallery" => NULL "desc" => NULL "created_date" => NULL "created_user" => NULL "modified_date" => NULL "modified_user" => NULL "photos" => array(1) ( ... ) ) protected _changed => array(1) ( "id" => integer 10 ) protected _related => array(2) ( "photos" => object Database_MySQL_Result(6){ protected _internal_row => integer 1 protected _query => string(543) "SELECT `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`id`, `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`position`, `veno_element_gallery_photo`.`name`, `veno_el …" protected _result => resource(mysql result) protected _total_rows => integer 1 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(24) "Model_Veno_Gallery_Photo" }
"gallery" => NULL ) }{ protected _file => string(78) "/home/users/veno/public_html/" protected _data => array(0) }
2 => string(0) "" )53 $column, 54 $top 55 ); 56 57 // Call Veno 58 $this->request->response = Veno::override(Kohana::Config('gallery.template'), $page, $content); 59 60 // Set new title 61 Veno::$page->title = $album->name; 62 } 63 }
{PHP internal call} » Controller_Gallery->action_album(arguments)
string(29) "realizacje/sklepy-internetowe"
string(2) "10"
MODPATH/veno/core/classes/request.php [ 68 ] » ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(arguments)
object Controller_Gallery(6)
{ protected session_config => array(2) ( "session" => array(3) ( "lifetime" => integer 86400 "type" => string(6) "native" "key" => string(9) "shop_cart" ) "model_product" => string(12) "Cart_Product" ) protected session => object Session_Native(5)
{ protected _name => string(7) "session" protected _lifetime => integer 0 protected _encrypted => bool FALSE protected _data => array(0) protected _destroyed => bool FALSE }
protected client => NULL protected cart => object Cart(5){ protected _config => array(2) ( "session" => array(3) ( "lifetime" => integer 86400 "type" => string(6) "native" "key" => string(9) "shop_cart" ) "model_product" => string(12) "Cart_Product" ) protected _session => object Session_Native(5)
public shopcart_redirect => NULL public request => object Request(9){ protected _name => string(7) "session" protected _lifetime => integer 0 protected _encrypted => bool FALSE protected _data => array(0) protected _destroyed => bool FALSE }
protected _model_product => NULL protected _content => array(2) ( "products" => array(0) "total" => array(3) ( "cost" => integer 0 "count" => integer 0 "discount" => integer 0 ) ) protected _db => string(7) "default" }{ public route => object Route(4)
}{ protected _uri => string(25) "<page>/album(/<album_id>)" protected _regex => array(1) ( "page" => string(2) ".*" ) protected _defaults => array(2) ( "controller" => string(7) "gallery" "action" => string(5) "album" ) protected _route_regex => string(53) "#^(?P<page>.*)/album(?:/(?P<album_id>[^/.,;?]++))?$#u" }
public status => integer 200 public response => string(0) "" public headers => array(1) ( "Content-Type" => string(24) "text/html; charset=utf-8" ) public directory => string(0) "" public controller => string(7) "gallery" public action => string(5) "album" public uri => string(38) "realizacje/sklepy-internetowe/album/10" protected _params => array(2) ( "page" => string(29) "realizacje/sklepy-internetowe" "album_id" => string(2) "10" ) }args
array(2) ( "page" => string(29) "realizacje/sklepy-internetowe" "album_id" => string(2) "10" )
63 64 // Ensure the action exists, and use __call() if it doesn't 65 if ($class->hasMethod('action_'.$action)) 66 { 67 // Execute the main action with the parameters 68 $class->getMethod('action_'.$action)->invokeArgs($controller, $this->_params); 69 } 70 else 71 { 72 $class->getMethod('__call')->invokeArgs($controller,array($action,$this->_params)); 73 }
APPPATH/bootstrap.php [ 115 ] » Request->execute()
110 * If no source is specified, the URI will be automatically detected. 111 */ 112 try 113 { 114 echo Request::instance() 115 ->execute() 116 ->send_headers() 117 ->response; 118 } 119 catch (ReflectionException $e) 120 {
DOCROOT/index.php [ 103 ] » require(arguments)
string(63) "/home/users/veno/public_html/"
98 // Load empty core extension 99 require SYSPATH.'classes/kohana'.EXT; 100 } 101 102 // Bootstrap the application 103 require APPPATH.'bootstrap'.EXT;